
printing control in cyber cafe, printout managemement in internet cafe, software printer manager, administrator

CyberPrinter is a standalone, third-party software for print monitoring. CyberPrinter allows you to charge your customers for printouts they make. You can control unlimited number of printers, both local and network shared. When a printout is detected, operator is informed and the charge is displayed.

CyberPrinter is independent from CafeSuite. The software is developed and supported by another company, Serpol Software. We resell it.

Even though CafeSuite already offers built-in print control, CyberPrinter can also be used together for external print monitoring. All you need to do is to install the CyberPrinter package available on our Download page.
Naturally it is also possible to use CyberPrinter separately, without CafeSuite.

CyberPrinter can work in two modes:

Standard mode
Offers printing detection and charging.
Hold mode
Offers printing detection, blocking, confirming and charging.

Please note that the hold mode requires Windows XP/2003 Server/2008 Server on server PC and Windows 2000/Windows XP/2003 Server/2008 Server/Vista on client PCs. Windows Vista/7 on server PC isn't currently supported. Standard mode works also on Windows 9x/Me.

You'll find the CyberPrinter license pricing on the Pricing page. Click here to buy CyberPrinter

The unregistered version of CyberPrinter will work for 15 days. When buying license you should provide the Serial Number of your CyberPrinter installation. You can find it by right clicking on CyberPrinter icon on the server PC and choosing 'Software Registration'. The Serial Number will change once the software is installed on a new system. In this case you should request new key by email or support ticket.

If you're using a recent version of CafeSuite, you normally don't need a separate CyberPrinter license. CafeSuite already offers integrated built-in print control.